What is your opinion? Should private companies be forced by the SEC to disclose financial information?
What’s your opinion on the insider stock sales? Should it be changed at this company (e.g., with blackout periods)? Why or why not? Are there legal issues?
Will you consider the new human capital disclosures in your investment decisions? If so, how? If not, why not?
Shareholders are complaining about online shareholder meetings. Do (would) you share the sentiment? What would be your opinion if you were a member of the C-suite?
If you were CFO, how would you handle guidance to Wall Street analysts? Widen the range? Pull it altogether?
Online is the new reality, at least for now, replacing onsite. Re: the annual shareholder meeting for public companies, what are some of the pro/cons for shareholders? For management?
Yes, firms really do do adjustments to accruals, closing entries, etc. and close the books each quarter, but now remotely. Side-by-side communications speed the process, but now it’s remote. Could you adjust?
Have you ever thought about the earnings release date (i.e., the day of the week) as being “corporate body language”? What effect can the choice of the week day have on valuations?
What do you think will be the long term result of compliance/non-compliance with the voluntary adoption of the new code in the UK with respect to ESG and similar disclosures?
Do you think that a strike would trigger an 8-K filing? Should it? Why or why not? Did it, in this case?