How do you think the use of “bots” for finance and accounting positions in firms like Levis will affect your career projection? What exactly do you foresee as being part of the “upskill” skill set?
Is it enough to know excel? Do you share the author’s assessment that excel is not effective to handle the tasks mentioned? What database software do you know?
So, the writer suggests that companies with long-tenured CFOs do better, suggesting that keeping a CFO for a long period is “good” for the firm. Or, could be the other way around? Well performing firms keep their CFOs longer. Which is the dependent variable, the explanatory variable?
So Merck is offshoring accounting functions to other lower-cost countries. Who wins? Who loses? What are some potential externalities?
Here is the latest certification you could get. What do you think of credentials to augment your degree(s)? Could credentials substitute for degrees? Why? Do you think credentialing is a long term trend?
The AICPA has identified 5 major new trends that could transform the accounting profession. Do any of these appeal to you? How would you prepare yourself to be able to take advantage of one or more of these?
Does this issue (shortage of “technical accountants”) affect your career decision? Does this type of work appeal to you?
Do you think it is appropriate to hold individuals (such as a named CFO) liable for errors in financial reporting? Why or why not? What are the consequences for bringing talented individuals into CFO roles?
Firms are subsidizing employees’ cost of getting and maintaining credentials/certifications. What does this signal to you? How might it affect your career choice?
If you are interested in audit, how could you tailor your interests and skills to fit the growing needs cited in the article?
What are the reasons for CFO turnover? Which ones are preventable from “better” hiring? Does it surprise you about the stock price effects of early CFO departure? Why or why not?
In what roles do you see technology being sophisticated enough to displace humans in the accounting profession? Who benefits from this?
Which credentials will you need (CPA, CMA, CFA, CIA, CGMA, etc.)? Is credentialing more important than your degree? Why or why not?
If you are interested in a career as a CFO, do you think you can add these dimensions to your resume?
Do you find this plausible, namely that CPA credentialed CFOs are more risk averse with regard to investment decisions, compared to non-credentialed CFOs? What does this suggest for you in your career path?
Pay is increasing significantly for accounting and finance professionals. Does this help you to keep doing boring homework?
There is a “dearth of talent” in technology companies. Pay is increasing, including the use of stock-based compensation. Would you want stock (stock options/restricted), or would you prefer cash? How would the choice affect your behavior on the job?
Passing the CPA exam is obviously doable, but . . . If you are planning on taking it (a good idea!), will you be able to relate to these stories?
Does this article make you want to consider an accounting career outside of the Big 4? Why or why not? What skill will you need for the changing roles?