What do you think is the probability that 600 SPACs will be able to find a target and close the deal before “time’s up”? What happens at that point? What is “capital at risk”?
Here’s another on buybacks. Good article about Penske forgoing acquisitions (too expensive) and returning excess cash. Also good video giving historical perspective on buybacks.
What is your opinion? Should private companies be forced by the SEC to disclose financial information?
Companies continue aggressive repurchases and dividends. If you were CEO, why would you want to do this? If you were a policy maker/politician, what would be your reaction?
Firms have stockpiled cash because of the pandemic. Why? What will they most likely use the cash for? Will it flow to investors (dividends, share repurchases)?
What is the “bet” of entering into a pre-issuance hedge to lock in borrowing rates for future debt, as Dominion has done? That is, what must happen for Dominion to “win”? To “lose”?
What are the benefits to a lender/investor of using convertibles? What are the benefits to the borrower/issuer? What are the downsides to both parties? Why are the bonds now being used more?